Years back in 1997, a lady with the name Bobbi McCaughey made a history by giving birth to 7 children at once at the age of 29. She made it through a Caesarean Section Operation which was said to be performed by more than 40 specialists to have her 7 sweet babies. She is from Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA and was the first lady to give birth to 7 children (Septuplets) in America back in the year.
As recorded by Jesus Daily, Bobbi put to bed to all her 7 kids in less than 10 mins. She gave birth to four (4) boys and three(3) girls. Among her 7 kids, the smallest weighed 2.5 pounds while the biggest weighed 3.4 pounds. It was a miracle that these children were all born alive, especially because they can 2 months premature. The healthy delivery surprised the doctors and everyone was so excited to welcome the new Septuplets into the world!

McCaughey had taken Pergonal, one of the fertility drugs, to help her conceive a child. Doctors say that the more fetuses a woman carry at once, the more risk there is that these babies will not be healthy and can be born premature, cerebral palsy, brain damage, blindness, mental retardation or other developmental problems with speech and motor skills.

The fact that McCaughey became pregnant with seven children at once was being examined and many ethical issues started to arise in the medical world. Despite ethical concerns, the Septuplets made headlines and gained nationwide support. They were able to meet President Bush when they were kindergartners and were offered free college education from several universities once they were seniors in high school.
The family has seen so much opportunity and the children are so blessed. Although having six other siblings may seem overwhelming, these kids love it and the family has stayed very close throughout all of these years! Do you think you would be able to get along with everyone if you had six other siblings?

Interesting Trivia about These Septuplets
How did they afford so many babies? Well, a lot of people helped. They received many gifts and money, including a 5,500 square foot house, a big van, and enough diapers for 2 years! They even received nanny services, clothes and free future scholarships for college.
What was the public’s reaction? Some people criticized the parents. Bobbi said in an interview, “In the beginning, for every ten letters we would get that were happy for us, we’d get one letter accusing us of exploiting the kids and being selfish to waste the world’s resources on a family this big. Our neighbours never gawked. Here in Carlisle, they gave us privacy. But we had complete strangers come around to the back door, knock, and ask if they could hold a baby.”
How much did they weigh at the time of their births? At the time of their births, they weighed between two pounds and five ounces (Kelsey) and three pounds and four ounces (Kenneth).
Were they born prematurely? They were born more than two months prematurely, but still became the first surviving septuplets in history.
How many boys and girls were born? Four boys (Kenneth, Nathan, Brandon, and Joel) and three girls (Alexis, Natalie, and Kelsey).
Did any of the 7 children have health problems? Two of the septuplets — Nathan and Alexis — suffered from cerebral palsy.
Was it a big national news story? Yes, in fact, the US President personally phoned their family to congratulate them and they were featured in Time magazine.
Do they have any other siblings? Yes, they have an older sister Mikayla. Now that is some babysitting duties for sure!
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