A lady is desperately seeking for solutions for her tight p*ssy, according to her, she doesn’t get wet before s*x, it is either her wetness comes during or aftermath of s*x.
The lady who is anonymous wrote to Amanda Chisom who is a writer, media consult and also a blogger.
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From my inbox
Pls Mandy help me post dis, hide my Id, I want to die with thinking , I have bin with my guy for 3yrs; i have a very tight p*ssy , I mean really tight, he is not d first person to compliment me for it, other guys I have had s*x with love it and have always wanted me more. Now my present guy has always loved my p*ssy so tight d way it is and we always use lubricant anytime we wanna have s*x, bcus if not Its D won’t enter safely, meaning it will pain him to penetrate Me, he even complains dat two fingers can’t enter my v**ina without lubrication and it’s true, I can’t put my own two fingers if I am not wet. We always use lubricant during s*x, bcus d big problem is now.
I don’t become wet bfr s*x like every other normal girl do, we have tried, he touches me well, he gets me aroused and sometimes I amd one dat will even ask for d s*x, so it’s not like I am not in d mood, he is good at d bed game but he does not give heads(
) i am ok with it bcus he nacks me well wen it comes to pounding, but I don’t get wet bfr penetration, it’s either I get wet during s*x at d middle or after s*x, when I finish washing myself and back to d bed i will feel my v**ina wetness and so slippery ( sometin I wish i had bfr d s*x) so sometimes we just go for a second round. He loves d fact dat o am tight bcus no man loves a loose v**ina , but d problem is no man loves a dry v**ina too, bcus this days he has started complaining dat how com I don’t get wet, and dat dis days it’s even tighter dan bfr, dat he wants to stop using lubricants bcus he read it kills sperm cell and as we plan to marry, babies might not come if we don’t stop d lubricant , I even tried to Google natural oils like coconut oil and so on, we tried it but he was still complaining dat he wants d natural wetness .
Infact yesterday night I cried myself to sleep bcus I feel maybe he has started missing d wetness of other girls he use to knw or he has started cheating, I knw I am not d only girl here wit dis tight p*ssy problem bcus I have spoken and read online abt it. But most of my friends say dey get wet like water 
dripping down their tighs; but mine is not like dat, I love dis guy and don’t wanna lose him to dis, pls women in d huz, help Me, guys pls wat can I do, d men in d house, pls can dis my situation drive him out? Pls o wats d remedy, wat can I eat or drink o, I am dieing o as my s*x life which was d best has become sour,Pls make ona help me abeg( “crying )
– Gistreel
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