The Presiding Bishop of the Living Faith Church, popularly known as Winners Chapel, Dr. David Oyedepo, has stated that he has doubt in the Nigeria project.
Oyedepo this during the weekly Sunday service of the church at its headquarters in Ota, Ogun State.
He said the security apparatus in Nigeria has failed woefully in protecting lives and properties.
He said there is no fairness or justice in the country again and this could lead to the break up of Nigeria.
He said: “To your tent O Israel will be the last resort.
“God prophetically has unmasked this masquerade so that the fear of WHO and WHAT may be behind the mask does not exist.
“These are not Fulani Herdsmen; there are fingers behind the scene, abetting, promoting, empowering them and supplying the arms.”
Expressing dissatisfaction with the spare of killings by Fulani herdsmen, Bishop Oyedepo asked whether the country’s land now belong to Fulani herdsmen.
He said: “It is not enough to pray, people must cry out.
“The destiny of this nation has never been under a threat of survival as it is today.
“People may soon be forced to take laws into their own hands.
“The security apparatus of the nation has obviously failed to protect and defend the lives and property of these poor farmers across the nation.
“While we are claiming to curtail Boko Haram onslaught, we are on the other hand ‘sponsoring or abetting the Fulani herdsmen and their murderous acts.
“Nigeria is a nation at war with herself.
“No external aggression, no ethnic crisis, no natural disaster, yet we are doing mass burials.
“What a nation in a state of slumber.
“Hear the voice of the Lord through this prophet.
“The soul of Nigeria is nearing the point of death and the nation and her citizens are fast becoming endangered species.
“God have mercy.
“I chose some questions that border on conscience as unveiled to me by God.
“Pertinent questions that border on the conscience of a nation and her leaders.
“Is cattle business government’s business?
“Should farmers be killed for Fulani herdsmen to live?
“Should all the farmers leave their farms today for Fulani herdsmen?
“Will the nation ever survive when we are still producing less than 20 per cent of what we eat?
“There is more to these low responses from relevant agencies in addressing this sensitive issue, which is obviously a time bomb.
“Where is the morality behind strangers (Fulani herdsmen) and I call them strangers?
“We live in a land where every community legally own their land.
“Farming on your farm land and some strangers in the name of herdsmen who are doing their own personal business come to graze on your crops and kill you on top of it?
“Where is the government?
“Where are the leaders of thought in Nigeria?
“You say: but what concerns you?
“I am a God ordained stakeholder.
“I have under my care divine grace.
“One out of every 150 Nigerian in this country is under my watch.
“I am a stakeholder.
“God will ask me of them and I don’t want to be inquired of their blood.
“There is no state in this nation without the strong footprint of this church.
“Even in the midst of Boko Haram harassment we were there on ground rescuing souls and praying for the peace of Nigeria.
“Don’t ask me what’s your concern.
“I have more stake than people today that claim to be in power.
“The conscience is dead.
“So, wake up.
“You can’t trade lives of men for your ambition.
“No! No!
“Not when prophets are in the land.
“Does Nigeria land now belong to Fulani herdsmen?
“Are they now the customary land owners in every state, city, town, village and hamlet?
“There is danger in the offing.
“Can these citizens still trust the security agencies of this nation for their protection?
“It is after the killing they arrive there.
“And when citizens can no longer trust the government for their protection, a state of anarchy is in view.
“Insurrection may as well be on the way.
“This largely unchecked aggression of Fulani herdsmen may eventually choke the soul of Nigeria to death.
“God forbid.
“Is Nigeria project still working?
“I have my doubts.
“We cannot remain one with gross injustice with no feeling of concern.
“It is time to get out of slumber.
“Nigeria shall remain one because justice shall prevail.
“You can’t be stepping on my toes and say let’s have peace.
“I say take your feet off my toes and you say no just let’s have peace.
“You will have an exchange of blows.
“You can’t have peace with injustice.
“It is not done.”
Below is the full text of the speech, titled: “Wake Up Nigeria.”
Prophets have the responsibility to engage fervently on the prayer altar for the salvation of the soul of a nation. Prophets have a duty to warn people, warn nations against impending danger. I’m sent as a prophet to the nations and He grants me access to divine confidentialities about nations. So, I have this wake-up call to a nation in its state of slumber.
Boko Haram in disguise
Insurgency is spreading across the nation under the guise of Fulani Herdsmen, danger is looming. For example, how many of these killers have been brought to book since their campaign of carnage, dearth and destruction began, one may ask. They must have the backing of some invisible powers. A nation-wide crisis or unrest is in the offing and may be worse than anyone known around the world.
Now, tell me what is the morality behind some strangers, who are doing their business as cattle-rearers to overrun your farm with your labour of planting, cultivating and nurturing your plant, and graze their cattle over your crops, and when you challenge them, they kill you on top of it? Where are the leaders of thought in Nigeria? Where is the government? And that continues unabated.
We are sitting on the keg of gunpowder. God spoke to me about it as far back as 1992, that a time like this was coming; it’s plainly written in my diary. Nigeria shall not be destroyed. God shall trouble all the troublers of the progress and peace of this nation.
A Nation at war with herself
The destiny of our nation has never been under any threat of survival as it is today. People may soon be forced to take laws into their hands. The security apparatus of the nation has obviously failed to defend the lives and properties of these poor farmers across the nation. Where we are claiming to curtail the Boko Haram onslaught, we are on the other hand sponsoring or abetting Fulani Herdsmen and their murderous acts.
Nigeria is a nation at war with herself. No external aggressions or aggressors, not ethnic crisis, no natural disaster, yet we are doing mass-burials. What a nation in a state of slumber? Hear the voice of the Lord through this prophet. The soul of Nigeria is near the point of death. Citizens of this nation are fast becoming endangered species. God have mercy!
Should farmers be killed for Fulani herdsmen to live?
Let me ask these pertinent questions that bother on conscience of a nation and her leaders. Is cattle business government business? Should farmers be killed for Fulani Herdsmen to live? Should all the farmers leave their farms today in the fear of Fulani Herdsmen? As at the last time I knew, Nigeria still produces less than 20 per cent of what she eats. What is the contribution of the Herdsmen and their cattle business to the GDP of Nigeria? There is more to this slow response of government to addressing this sensitive issue which is obviously a time bomb.
Are Fulani herdsmen the owners of Nigeria?
Question number 2: Does Nigerian land belong to the Fulani Herdsmen? There has never been this kind of assault on the intelligence of the people like we have it now. Should you allocate my father’s land to Fulani Herdsmen? Never! There will be brutal response. No, No. Are they now the customary land owners of every state, city, town, village and hamlet in Nigeria? There is danger in the offing. Every community may soon set up their own security system to defend the insurgency of the Fulani Herdsmen.
Do you still trust the security agencies?
Question number 3: Can the citizens still trust the security agencies of this nation for their protection? You will be vulnerable for life! Where citizens cannot trust government for security, a state of anarchy is in view. Insurrection may as well be on the way. This largely unchecked aggression of Fulani Herdsmen may eventually choke the soul of Nigeria to death. God forbid!
Is the Nigerian project still on course?
Question number 4: Is the Nigerian project still working? Without justice there cannot be peace. You don’t step on my toes and say let’s have peace. I say ‘remove your leg, you are on my toes,’ and you say ‘no.’ You can’t have peace but exchange of blows! Caution! Let politicians be warned! Don’t sell off the destinies of men for your ambitions.
Because I have a stake in this…
I have been praying and I have changed my prayer level in praying for the generations of this church. That Lord, let this church continue to grow both in my life time and the generations after me. True leaders mind the coming generations. Nigeria is rescued! Let no religious bigot say to me: “But what is your concern?” Wait! By the grace of God, one out of every 150 Nigerians is under my apostolic coverage. So you are not a leader by elective office, you are a leader by the amount of people you have responsibility over. I am answerable to God on what happens to them. You can’t kill their fathers and mothers in the name of being in power. Enough is enough.
God still confirms the words of His prophets
When prophets speak, God confirms it. You have seen God confirm the things I say time and again. These wicked forces will be visited by vengeance!
No value for human life in Nigeria
Is our sense for human value as a nation still alive today? I don’t know. What I know is that it’s not alive. Today human lives are now being slaughtered for cattle without any drastic intervention from relevant security agents. Should men and women and children continue to lay down their lives for cattle? There is no nation on the earth where the defence of cattle is above the defence of human lives. How are these killers making away with their murderous acts? They must have the backings of the powers that be. Any right thinking Nigerian will speculate same. Is Boko Haram not spreading strategically across the nation? How many cows will a Fulani Herdsman sell to buy an AK47 Riffle which now stands at about N3 million per piece. A cow, the fattest is N180,000 – N200,000. To buy five rifles equals N15million; all the cattle they have is not up to that! You don’t hire security guard in a room-and-parlour apartment. Some fellows supply these arms and you cannot tell how much stockpile of arms they have.
A word is enough!
Nigeria is becoming an endangered nation where any group of people may attempt to overrun the nation overnight. Caution! Caution!! Caution!!! To everyone responsible for the affairs of this nation, Caution! The reason why prophets speak is so that He does not require the blood of the people from them. God has sent me to warn this nation; a flood of evil is at the door. But for the sake of the elect, God will spare this nation. The wickedness of the wicked will fall on their head! Thank you Jesus!
Wake Up Nigeria, Wake Up!
Nigeria should wake up out of slumber and defend the unity of our great nation, or “To your tent O Israel” will be the last resort. God prophetically has unmasked this masquerade so that the fear of WHO and WHAT may be behind the mask does not exist. These are not Fulani Herdsmen; there are fingers behind the scene, abetting, promoting, empowering them and supplying the arms.
I saw it coming in 1992; am not talking about the government, I’m talking about what God showed me about the nation. I saw it coming, I wrote it down. Fearful, but God said, “If I can find 50 people in that city, I will save it. For the sake of the elect, Nigeria will not be destroyed. God will destroy everyone is out to destroy this nation. Thank you Father.
Endorsement of partisan politics for members…
Therefore beware, every aspersions cast on a prophetic word usually boomerangs. I will never be partisan till I die. I don’t belong to any party. This church has members who belong to every political party; I’m a father to all of them. But everybody must belong to any party of their choice, hold a party card and be part of choosing who looks after your affairs. Compulsorily, in this church, everybody must belong to, and must be a card-carrying member of a party of their choice and be a part of the process. Without light, darkness will keep harassing. Let these sons and daughter of light invade every party of their choice and let’s make our rightful input. That’s what we are talking about. Thanks you Jesus. Enough is enough!”
Time to reap what they have sown
He that killeth by the sword shall fall by the sword. Enough is enough! Everyone who has become part of making other children fatherless and motherless, theirs would soon become fatherless and motherless. Thank you Jesus!…
The judgment of God will visit these killers. Their source of supplies shall dry up. The generation of the perpetrators of this evil against innocent Nigerians shall rot away. Those who won’t let Nigeria have peace, God will remove them. The church of Christ in Nigeria shall keep going forward. Peace shall be restored to our streets. In the Name of Jesus! Thank you Father!
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